On March 17, the Brest Technology Park hosted the final conference of the international technical assistance project “Stimulating the Potential of Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies for Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in Belarus”.
Brest State Technical University was represented at the conference by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Victoria Vasilievna Zazerskaya and the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sergei Romanovich Onysko.
Industry 4.0 (Fourth Industrial Revolution) involves a brand new approach to production, based on the massive introduction of information technology in industry, large-scale automation of business processes and the spread of artificial intelligence. The project was developed by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus along with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
As First Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Yury Adamovich Chebotar emphasized in his speech, this final conference is not the final event, as a matter of fact, it marks a new big milestone in the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept in our country: “When we started this project, it seemed that everything would be very difficult. But success was initially laid down in several components. Firstly, it is a combination of the human potential that exists in the Brest region: specialists and management of the Brest Technology Park, teachers and students of BrSTU and, of course, the local authorities — the Brest Regional Executive Committee. Therefore, the southwestern region was chosen as a platform for the implementation of the pilot project. The main task was to show the possibilities of Industry 4.0 — new technologies, study opportunities. We came to the conclusion that the experience gained should be extended to other regions of our country.”
The conference participants, led by the Head of the UNIDO Innovation Strategies and Digitalization Unit, Marco Kamiya (via conference call), discussed the details of the transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution based on digital transformation and artificial intelligence strategies. They also discussed many other areas of project implementation among themselves; got acquainted with the use of industrial robotics in the processing industry on the example of Savushkin Product OJSC.