On March 16-17, 2023, within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus and the Brest State Technical University, the delegation of the Academy visited BrSTU.
The program of stay began in the memorial complex «Brest Hero Fortress». Representatives of the Military Academy and BrSTU, headed by the directors of educational institutions, laid flowers at the eternal flame on the Square of Ceremonials and honored the memory of the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland with the moment`s silence.
Then the delegation members were received by Brest State Technical University. After an introductory tour of the university, a networking workshop took place, when a positive relaxed atmosphere was created in the game format and the young people of the two higher educational institutions got the opportunity not only to get to know each other, but also to make friends. It is worth noting that the delegation of the Military Academy included 16 cadets, and they were met at BrSTU by girls from the Faculty of Economics.
The first day of the delegation’s stay program ended with the interuniversity civil-patriotic quiz “We are Belarusians!”. During 6 rounds, the participants, divided into 4 teams, answered questions on the history of Belarus, World history, and contemporary issues. At the end of the game, the winners and all participants of the quiz were awarded memorable prizes and sweet gifts.
On March 17, cadets of the Military Academy, together with students of BrSTU, visited the 38th Separate Guards Air Assault Viennese Red Banner Brigade. The military servicemen showed the young people exhibitions of weapons, military equipment and uniforms, told about the particularities of the cynological service. The program of the stay of the delegation of the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus in the City on the Bug ended with a sightseeing tour in the historical center of the city.