Belarusian-Cuban Rectors’ Forum: new forms and models of cooperation

A Belarusian-Cuban forum of Rectors of higher educational institutions took place today in Minsk. The delegations of the two countries were headed by the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Gennadievich Bakhanovich, and the Deputy Minister of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba, Reynaldo Velázquez Zaldívar. It should be noted that cooperation between universities of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Cuba has a long historical tradition; both countries built national models of university education on the foundation of the achievements of Soviet higher education. At the event, a presentation of the educational and scientific potential of Cuban and Belarusian universities took place. The importance of engineering education, which serves as the basis for the economic sovereignty of the two countries, was noted. BrSTU has established a partnership with the University of Moa. A preliminary agreement was also reached to establish friendly relations with the University of Guantánamo.