Open dialogue between the Minister of Education and student activists

On November 11, at the Brest State Technical University, a meeting was held between the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Ivanovich Ivanets and the student activists of the universities of the city of Brest. The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Brest City Executive Committee Sergei Nikolaevich Lobodinsky, the Rector of the Brest State Technical University Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, the Rector of the Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin Yuri Petrovich Golubev.
Andrei Ivanovich told the students about the programs being implemented in the Republic of Belarus, about innovations in the admissions campaign in 2024, which will expand the capabilities of regional universities, about the conditions and opportunities created in the Republic of Belarus for the training of highly qualified engineering personnel and not only in specialties that are in demand in the country. The Minister of Education paid attention to the topic of appointments of graduates — providing them with their first job after graduating from university, and also drew the attention of students to the fact that the duration of the process of becoming a specialist depends not only on the level of knowledge acquired, but also on the motivation and opportunities available at the enterprise. During his speech, Andrei Ivanovich repeatedly emphasized that colossal work has been done in the Republic of Belarus both by the state and the Ministry of Education, aimed at training an all-round specialist who is capable of solving a number of production problems while still being a student.
After the speech, the Minister of Education answered questions of concern to students regarding both the sphere of education and the development of the country as a whole. The meeting took place in the form of an open dialogue.
At the end of the meeting, Andrei Ivanovich thanked the Chairman of the Brest City Executive Committee and the Rector of BrSTU for the warm welcome, and wished the students confidence in their abilities and success in all their endeavors!