Lectures by a foreign specialist at the Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology

During the period from October 16 to 21, at the Brest State Technical University, lectures were given to students studying in the specialties “Reclamation and Water Management” and “Environmental Activities” by a foreign specialist — the Head of the Soil Reclamation Laboratory of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Dr. Agricultural Sciences Mustafayev Mustafa Gylmanogly (Baku). The topics of the lectures are devoted to issues of soil reclamation, the development of modern reclamation under conditions of climate change and anthropogenic impacts. The lectures aroused great interest among students, and there was an open discussion. Simultaneously with giving lectures, M.G. Mustafaev participated in two International scientific and technical conferences held at that time at BrSTU.