On December 18, 2023, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko signed a decree “On encouraging talented young scientists”, according to which 74 young scientists of our country were awarded the presidential scholarships. Among them are representatives of Brest State Technical University:
Basalay Ekaterina Nikolayevna, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecology of BrSTU, Candidate of Geographical Sciences — for the scientific substantiation and development of new soil compositions based on the products of processing sewage sludge and organic industrial waste, improving the survival rate of plants in street and vertical interior gardening systems and increasing efficiency use of said waste;

Lizogub Alexander Aleksandrovich, junior research assistant at BrSTU — for the development of a scientifically based methodology for assessing the survivability of structural systems of buildings in special design situations, based on a probabilistic assessment of basic variable loads and resistances (taking into account modeling errors), describing the nonlinear behavior of damaged structural systems, which makes it possible to ensure protection of these systems from progressive collapse in emergency situations (explosions, vehicle impacts, terrorist and criminal attacks).

Daria Vladimirovna Stankevich, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics of BrSTU — for the development of scientifically based practical recommendations for the development and support of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the existing potential and state policy in the innovation sphere. It is worth noting that in the coming days, Daria Vladimirovna’s dissertation will be defended at the Belarusian State Economic University for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

The team of employees and students of the Brest State Technical University, headed by Rector Sergei Antonovich Kasperovich, sincerely congratulates our scientists and are proud of their achievements! We wish you not to stop there and, by your example, inspire students to new scientific achievements!