BrSTU students on an excursion to Amkodor-Pinsk JSC

Students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Brest State Technical University visited one of the leading manufacturers of road construction equipment in the Republic of Belarus and the CIS countries, Amkodor-Pinsk JSC.
The main activity of Amkodor-Pinsk CJSC is the production and sale of loaders, digging machines, bulldozers based on the Belarus-92P tractor, on its own chassis, road machinery, snow-removal equipment, peat machines and municipal equipment, as well as overhead travelling cranes.
Students could see the technological cycle of creating backhoe loaders, front-end loaders, asphalt and soil compactors, snowplows, and universal loading machines.
During the event, the young people visited not only the machining and assembly production, but also observed the assembly of a backhoe loader.
Such excursions are both educational and career guidance events.