On February 28, 2024, the team of Brest State Technical University took part in the regional stage of the republic-wide competition “All-Belarusian Debate League”. Teams from Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Baranovichi State University and Polesie State University also competed in the competition.
At the regional stage, the moderator was Valentina Nikolaevna Kuzmich, Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Electronic Information Systems. The topics of the tours are the upcoming election campaign, computer games and online sovereignty within the Union State. The debates involved teams speaking on the side of the government or their opponents.
Based on the results, two teams of Poles State University and BrSTU were identified, whose participants will represent the Brest region in the finals of the Republican competition “All-Belarusian Debate League”.
This kind of event becomes a good school for forming and arguing your position. Students learn to solve social and political issues that are important for the Republic of Belarus in a constructive manner.